Christian Art Distributors

Ruth: Faithfulness in Famine Bible Study Book - Storyteller (Paperback)

R 179

Many of the stories of the Bible involve seismic events—worldwide floods, warring kings, an entire people being taken into exile. But other stories are small and personal. Tucked into the beginning of the Old Testament is one such story in the book of Ruth.
When we meet Ruth, her husband has died, and she is traveling with her mother-in-law to a land that is not her own. Though the circumstances seem dire, they are not beyond God’s control.
The book of Ruth invites us to wait and hope along with the characters as we wait and hope for our redemption. Through Ruth we find a God who is always at work behind the scenes ready to show his faithfulness.

Session Topics:
• Broken
• Empty
• Provision
• Refuge
• Redemption

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