Story of Atavah
Atavah was birthed out of the hearts of friends with a desire to serve our King.
We believe each individual is blessed with wonderful talents, skills, and attributes by our Heavenly Father, to be used to His glory in expanding His Kingdom on earth.
Talented artists face many challenges to introduce their products to a potential market, keen to access special products. Therefore, a mutual aspiration arose in the souls of these friends to create a user-friendly platform for these gifted people, to make their products known and accessible.
In turn, believers who might be sensitive to commercial products generated by the world system, will find such a unique platform of great value.
Consequently, Atavah was born as the online platform where these divinely inspired products & precious teachings can be accessed by discerning clients.
The heart of Atavah
The Atavah name carries a special meaning. Names are powerful, special, and significantly describes the very essence and character both seen and unseen.
The name Atavah consists of the Hebrew names Atara [Crown] and Tiqvah [Hope]. In short Atavah means crowned with hope.
The heart of Atavah is to be an online platform that provides:
- Presenting teachings & courses from exclusive ministries as part of our Noorah teachings channel. Valuable manna for this hour.
- Inspirational testimonies of fellow believers on our Glory testimonies channel.
- Informative product sessions on products available at Atavah. Representatives of these products discuss the various benefits, uses etc.
- Potential clients with the opportunity to purchase high quality and divinely inspired products by talented artists.
- Providing a platform from where believers can sell their original hand-made products and creations.
- Advice and guidance to each respective supplier on design, product development and possible marketing opportunities and platforms to serve their market.
- Assistance to believers to become financially independent and in turn grow Kingdom finances.
- A pivotal liaison between our suppliers and discerning clients, where the Kingdom of God can be expanded by putting ethical products on the market.
These products will be available via our online shop, various pop-up shops and at our ATAVAH Ermelo shop.