A unique online platform where divinely inspired and special products & teachings are presented to our discerning clientele.
“Behold I will do something new, now it will spring forth.
Will you not be aware of it?”
Isaiah 43:19
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Cené de Wit
'n Nes vir Robyn - Cené de Wit & Mariana van der Merwe
Robyn is 'n klein pikkewyn.
Sy woon saam met haar familie op 'n groot ysplaat. Op 'n dag trek 'n sterk seestroom haar ouers vir altyd weg.
Skielik is haar nes koud en eensaam.
Daardie aand lei Robyn se pad haar na 'n gawe man. Hy weet presies wat sy nodig het en help haar om 'n wonderlike nuwe tuiste te vind.
Story of Atavah
Atavah was birthed out of the hearts of friends with a desire to serve our King.
We believe each individual is blessed with wonderful talents, skills, and attributes by our Heavenly Father, to be used to His glory in expanding His Kingdom on earth.
The heart of Atavah
The Atavah name carries a special meaning. Names are powerful, special, and significantly describes the very essence and character both seen and unseen.
The name Atavah consists of the Hebrew names Atara [Crown] and Tiqvah [Hope]. In short Atavah means crowned with hope.
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