The Blueprint 333

Blazing Fire (Character of God - The Ox, Aleph)

R 135

Blazing Fire, Character of God - The Ox, Aleph.

A special anointing oil from the Blueprint 333 team.

Prophetic anointing oils & balm were blended by Christine De Beer Hofmann in obedience to the Father, and form part of different events hosted on the Amo’or channel.

Should you desire access to these teachings or events, you can email us at

Kindly contact us directly on 079 807 0470 for the audio anointing prayer that accompanies this specific anointing oil. 

Meaning of Blazing Fire Prophetic Oil

"Father revealed to me: I am Aleph. I am the Aleph and the Tav, the Beginning and the End. Part of His character is strength and boldness. Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and it also has the number value of 1. The pictograph (picture form) of Aleph is the head of an ox, a bull, or cattle.

This oil brings three elements together: strength, sacrifice, and fire. The four living beings in front of the throne of YHVH are a lion, a man, an eagle, and an ox/bull/calf. We often focus on the lion, the man, or the eagle dimensions of God’s character, but neglect the meaning of the ox/bull/calf. The ox stands for boldness, strength, determination, power, vitality, life, bravery, and to stand firm.

As we grow into the character of God, we learn to stand firm in the power of the Holy Spirit, knowing who He is and what we are in Him. He is transforming His people to become like Him, and one element is to be strong like the ox, able to withstand pressure and temptation (Eph. 6:10-13).

This oil emphasizes the “ox”-dimension of God’s character. Father says that He does not mind being compared to an ox. He has the strength and endurance of this animal, which is one of the strongest animals on Earth. 

The female (cow) was an extremely valuable asset in biblical times. Her skin, meat, milk, and strength can be used for many things. Today, people do not always appreciate the importance of a cow/bull/ox/calf, especially if they do not live on a farm and experience these animals first-hand.

In order to produce water for purification, someone had to sacrifice the red heifer. It’s a great sacrifice to give away this heifer. And this is a metaphor of Yeshua.

God gave away His firstborn Son as a sacrifice. Red refers to the blood and the preciousness of the animal for the owner. In the description of offering and sacrificial worship in Leviticus 1-7, one of the main animals for sacrifice is cattle, and when God associates Himself with the Aleph, the ox, He also reminds us that the sacrifice of Yeshua was a huge sacrifice that He had to make in order to atone for our sin.

There is also an important link between the ox, forgiveness, and atonement. The Hebrew word for atonement is caphar, while the word for bull is par, and cow is parah. These words are closely related and it shows that atonement is only possible through great sacrifice.

The character of the Father is someone who was willing to sacrifice His Son for our sin. Our atonement from sin comes from the depth of His heart. We should never think it was an easy thing for Him to do to sacrifice His Son for our sins.

It was a huge price to pay in order for people to have a relationship with God, and to hear His voice. Fire is the element that enables the sacrifice. Fire is a reference to the power of the Spirit and the power of God.

God is quite comfortable with fire and therefore we should not fear fire more than God. Think of the three friends of Daniel. When they refused to worship the statue of the king, they were threatened with a huge fire. Yet, they were willing to rather go into the fire than to worship anything else but God. God is often called a consuming fire, a flaming fire, which reminds us of a flaming bull." - Christine DBH

How do I use the oil?

Oil on its own has no power or magic, but oil prayed over has much power – it is the anointing that breaks the yoke (Isa 10:27).

Use the oil to anoint, to rub with oil, especially in order to consecrate someone or something. Anoint something to set it apart for special usage. Mashach (Hebrew) refers to the custom of rubbing or smearing with sacred oil. Most of all, it is important to remember that God anoints and seals us, while the Holy Spirit teaches us.

Oil Ingredients: All natural ingredients. These oils are made from concentrated natural oils. Use in small amounts, sparingly. Preservative oil: Wheatgerm

Caution: Always do a patch test on your skin to check for any allergies before using.

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