Eliah’s Lamp
Nadia van der Sandt - Letters to His Beloved (A Prayer Guide)
Nadia van der Sandt - Letters to His Beloved (A Prayer Guide)
This Prayer Guide is based on the novel, His Beloved.
It has been compiled based on the struggles and obstacles faced throughout the storyline, designed in such a way as to be a practical guide for the reader to work through and address similar spiritual and worldly issues.
This guide is beneficial in revealing the Father’s Heart from the Scriptures and helpful prayers to work through in response, also based on the Scriptures.
The guide will prove to be an invaluable tool to use for those who are struggling to hear the voice of the Father and that of His Son, and will greatly help those who do not always know how to pray or what to pray.
This Prayer Guide has been written to assist with many common difficulties that each person has had to deal with at some point in their lives such as; struggling to hear the Voice of the Set-Apart Spirit, struggling to hear the Voice of Messiah Yahushua, discovering our true identities, learning how to utilize Scripture in prayer, walking a path of rededication, repentance and healing, and starting a journey of growth and refinement within the divine Will of the Father.